192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan)

The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus, #1) - Rick Riordan


3.5 stars

Wow ... I actually read this 500+ pages book within two days!

Here's the thing, I haven't read anything that long for years -- ever since I read MM genre almost exclusively, I have been spoiled with shorter stories. Nowadays, I avoid lengthy books, I am worried that I easily get bored. So when I first realized the length of all the books in this series, I was discouraged. But since I was enjoying "Percy Jackson" series and I admitted that curiosity won me over, I powered though.

I started on Sunday. Today (Monday) here I am ...

One thing, I definitely liked the character development better in this one. While I enjoyed the action of Percy Jackson series, I always thought Percy as a bland hero, and it was focusing more on the entertainment factor (a.k.a the action) rather the character development. It was totally different here. Maybe because the three main heroes: Jason, Piper, and Leo, were all older than Percy when he started in "The Lightning Thief".

Or probably because by having their voices interchanged as chapters throughout the book, made me understand them more: their fear, their worry, their dreams, even what made them happy (like Piper with her feeling towards Jason, or Leo with his comfort with tools and making things). Jason might be a little 'mysterious' but then again, he was suffering from amnesia, so not much I could learn from him.

The pacing was really rather slow compared to Percy Jackson series. Even if I consumed all 500+ pages of it, but my enthusiasm level was not as high. Having said that, with the full explanation at the end, as Jason realized what Hera's plan was, I definitely would like to know about

Percy's experience at Camp Jupiter

(show spoiler)


I guess I have to say this, bring on the next 500+ pages!!