192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Butterflies (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal)

Butterflies - K.J. Charles

In The Caldwell Ghost, we meet Robert Caldwell and the mysteriously sexy Mr. Simon Feximal, who later become Caldwell's companion for almost twenty years. I enjoyed that short story, but it was too short for me -- and I just couldn't give my 4-stars.

This one, however,  loved it. It showed once again why K.J. Charles was quickly becoming one of my favorite authors – even if I only read her one novel and two short stories so far. Butterflies opened almost directly after The Caldwell Ghost. We found that Simon didn’t immediately return Robert’s attraction and Robert was quite upset about that. Until they met again when there were strange double deaths involving butterflies.

Yes, death by butterflies.

Seriously, it was VIVIDLY CREEPY!! Who knew, animals so pretty could become means of well, definitely unpretty death!! You could close your eyes and imagine the scene, smartly described by Ms. Charles, and I dare you that you will probably think twice about butterflies from now on.

This was the second case that Simon and Robert worked together – it combined paranormal elements with a dash of horror, and it was delicious. Knowing that Simon and Robert were together for nearly two decades, I’d say that should be more cases coming, right, K.J.? Because really, reading them is so, so much fun... I just want more of Robert and Simon!