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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Spook Squad (PsyCop, #7)

Spook Squad (PsyCop, #7) - Jordan Castillo Price 3.25 starsI'm going to be part of the very few people of the minority club (when I wrote this only 2 other people gave this 3-stars). I liked it but I didn't love it. Here are my reasons:1) I enjoy paranormal but I am not very much into science fiction. So when this book (well, starting from [b:GhosTV|9688919|GhosTV (PsyCop, #6)|Jordan Castillo Price|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1289679131s/9688919.jpg|14577000], really) starts talking about astral projection and white lights and GhosTV, it's a bit 'science-y' for me and I don't really enjoy it. I remember skimming a LOT in book #6 when they're talking about the GhosTV and the astral plane, and stuffs like so. 2) Some of the players and the main plot of finding out who kill Roger and the mystery with Jennifer Chance, as well as Jacob's job at FPMP is heavily connected with book #6. Maybe I would do better in this book if I re-read [b:GhosTV|9688919|GhosTV (PsyCop, #6)|Jordan Castillo Price|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1289679131s/9688919.jpg|14577000]. But I don't and my memory sucks. So I always appreciate a little cliff notes. Since I read book #6 a couple of years ago, let's just say that I am pretty much lost throughout the book.3) Okay, maybe #2 is my own problem, and it won't bother other readers with better memory. HOWEVER, #2 aside, I am REALLY disappointed with the lack of interaction of Vic WITH Jacob. Not just the physical but the emotional intimacy as well. This series will ALWAYS be about Vic and Jacob first for me. The other characters are nice, but shouldn't steal the spotlight. Unfortunately, more screen times are dedicated to Lisa or Dreyfuss or Richie, heck even Laura or Agent Bly. NOT Jacob (and Vic). Jacob is pretty much on the sideline. I don't like that :(. Sure I like Laura Kim (The Fixer at FPMP) but Lisa, I can only handle her in small dosage. I'm not amused with Lisa living with Jacob and Vic (which made the men should be careful with their sex). I'm not impressed on how she kept the real identity of his lover (duly noted, I guess early on, even before Vic, who Lisa's new beau is. So easy to guess) and refuses to help Vic and Jacob in investigating Roger's murderer. It's like she doesn't remember, Vic is in her life FIRST before her new lover.4) I am also not very fond of the fact that it seems the FPMP is simply more superior that the Precinct. The whole thing with the bad guy being released due to evidences collected by a Psy-Cop, that the cop cannot provide what people like Vic needs, makes Vic easily questioned his worth of being a cop or not. It's too simple to tip the favor in FPMP direction :(I can still give this one a 3-stars category though ... because when Vic is with Jacob, it's solid. It's good. The whole transferring white light back and forth is great. I also like Vic being very caring with Crash. It's just so sweet.So there, not my favorite of the series. Hopefully if it's continued to #8, Vic and Jacob can get back front and center again. I can dismiss the whole talk about GhosTV and astral projection as long as I get enough dosage of Vic and Jacob (well, more Jacob than Vic *lol*)PS: I guess the real murderer and how it happens (yep, possession) right before Vic makes the conclusion. Go Ami!