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Fatal Deception (Fatal Series #5)

Fatal Deception - Marie Force 3.5 starsWhile it was nice to return to Lieutenant Sam Holland and her beloved Senator, Nick Cappuano, I wasn't as impressed with this book compared to the previous four. I would like to list down what I loved first though ...What I loved:+ The case; when it was revealed who was responsible behind the murder of the wife of Derek Kavanaugh, one of Nick's friends, was quite sad. I had tears in my eyes when I read Victoria's last letter that basically explained why she was murdered+ There was finally an explanation regarding Skip's reluctance for Sam to dig into the Fitzgerald's case that he handled all those years ago. I wonder whether Sam's mother would make another appearance in the next book, now that Sam understood more about her parents' break-up.+ Scotty finally made a decision regarding Nick's question whether he would like to join the Cappuano's family.What I disliked:OnePersonally, all the sex scenes dragged the book down for me. I was fine when they weren't married -- it was all about the chase. But now, it was 8 months after the wedding, my interest in that part of the romance was winding waaaay down. I guess Ms. Force wanted to show that after the marriage, their sex was still good. But, OMG, it just bored the heck out of me. And all the babe's, baby's, I love you's, how I am so happy and lucky to find you, blah blah blah blah, wanted me to stab my eyes. Plus, what's with the sudden kink of Sam liked being spanked in the bedroom? No need to go all Fifty Shades on them, please. I hated to think that this would turn into erotic rather than romance.Yeah, I am probably the minority. I know many readers enjoy the sex in romance. I do too. But when it's book #5 in a series that feature same characters, all the sex scenes becomes formulaic, like it's written because it has too. Because it's part of a checklist. I would love it better to read other way to keep romance for established couples on books. TwoWhat was it with FBI Agent Hill and his thoughts about Sam?!? It was so annoying!! Ms. Force needs to give him a girlfriend or just take him out of the story. Reading his admission that he was attracted to Sam, despite Sam telling him that she only loved Nick was bordering on creepy.ThreeOh, I am also hugely disappointed that there weren't scenes on how everything went down for the mastermind of the murders. I prefer being shown not told, thank you very much.So some parts are good but overall, I'm not as entertained...