192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live


Hainted - Jordan L. Hawk 3.25 starsMy problem with this book came from wrong expectation. With nasty haints (ghosts who aren't moving forward) and bleeding houses and exorcisms, which were presented in the first couple of chapters, I approached this book with some notions that it would heavily rely on paranormal/horror element. Unfortunately for me, this wasn't what the book turned out to be. Dan and Leif were longing and yearning towards the other. Both were thinking that they 'weren't good enough' for the other. Dan was in the closet and he thought Leif was too experienced, too 'city boy' to ever thinking about being with a farm boy. Leif kept a tragic secret in the past and thought Dan would hate him, if the secrets ever came to light.Then, there was solo jerk-off scene (personal pet peeve alert!), mushy "baby's" and "sweetheart's" and "please make love to me" following the scenes where everything was finally laid bare. My eyes were practising some muscle-rolling and at one point, I even groaned ut loud for the overloaded sappiness. Don't get me wrong. I like sappy -- it is different with siccly sweet. But ... it was NOT what I first expected.As you can see, other reviewers love this book better. So just think of it as romance, with a slight horror/paranormal element. Because apart from what I explained, the paranormal element was pretty well-done.