3.25 stars
It took a while for me to get into the hang of it. The thing is, the cover screamed adult romance for me, but then I found out that the characters were all still in early twenties, so it sort of also a new adult romance (?). I am not really familiar (or enjoying) adult romance with alternate first person POV. So yeah, I wasn't immediately charmed with it.
But after a while, I liked the whole chef/farmer combo. Grumpy Griffin was fun ... although I admit, his family was more entertaining for me, including his two helpers: Jude and Zach. I didn't find Audrey to be inspiring though. She was okay, I liked her tenacity and perkiness. But like my friend, Jess, said in her review , she was a bit inconsistent.
See, when Audrey kept saying that she was ordered a job that wasn't her forte, it felt like she was whining. She was an intern, for God's sake. Interns do what they must. That was the consequences being the bottom of the totem pole. But she also knew how to handle Griffin and she did a lot of help at the Shipley's kitchen. So I didn't exactly know whether I should be proud or exasperated with her.
Oh, and for me the sex scenes were a little off-putting. I don't know why, maybe it was the description, maybe it was my mood. I ended up skipping ALL of them *shrugs*
All in all, it was nice. But not my favorite of Sarina Bowen. BUT I totally want to read the next book!