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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

In the Hours of Darkness (Tygati)

In the Hours of Darkness (No Man's Land Book 1) - Tygati

This is my first Tygati's story -- and immediately after I finished this short, I marked down the next book in the series as to-read! Yep, I was that excited.

While the story was set in a 'different' universe, but I had no problem being immersed into the precarious territory of Deadwood Gulch on No Man's Land (or "Noman"). It was quite a breath-taking world to get myself into, even if the story is only 10k long. I loved reading about the dangerous creatures that Charlie and Zorevan must fight against.

I loved the relationship of Charlie and Zorevan (his dragon); they were simply astonishing together. We started the story with them being in established relationship already; and they were pretty much in tune when they had to fight the monsters. In addition to that, it was also a quite loving and respectful relationship, despite that Zorevan could be a little (well, okay, a LOT) protective of his human.

And guess what -- this time, I thought the sex was good! Yep, I liked the sex scene. It was written with emotion, and I could feel like I was connected to the two of them. Unlike most sex scenes that I read these days, I thought it was pretty hot when Zorevan was showing his dominance and possessive behavior.

I would've loved to read more about them -- I wanted to read about how they found one another. I wanted to know how Charlie became Sherrif of Deadwood Gulch. I wanted to read about their first time. I wanted MORE. Unfortunately, the next novel was not about Charlie and Zorevan but instead it would be about Jeremey Troublemaker who apparently would've grown up. Oh, well, maybe with enough nudge and hints Tygati could write a prequel of Charlie and Zorevan sometime in the future?