192 Worshippers
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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Home Sweet Home (Candis Terry)

Home Sweet Home: A Sweet, Texas Novella - Candis Terry

3.5 stars

It's a novella so it doesn't have the same depth as the novels. Plus Aidan frustrated the hell out of me me -- and his reasons were so very cliche when it came to romance with themes like this one (war veteran with PTSD/emotional baggage).

BUT, Paige was a trooper of her own, I loved her determination. Added with two lovely dogs (even if they didn't get enough screen time), I found this prequel of Sweet, Texas series to be quite satisfactory. And I like that their story is now available as stand-alone format rather than part of an anthology.

PS: Per Candis Terry's website, all proceeds of this novella (it costs $1.99) will be donated to Animal Rescue. Always a good cause to buy a story, right?