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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Dragons, Diamonds, and Discord (Angel Martinez)

Dragons, Diamonds, and Discord - Angel Martinez

Dragons, Diamonds, and Discord is the third installment in Brandywine Investigations series. I enjoyed the previous two books and was quite excited to see that Hermes got his own story. With a DRAGON nonetheless!!

Alas, this story turned out to be my least favorite of the series. I think my biggest issue was that the story seemed to be 'split' into the romance between Hermes and Fafnir, the evil plan by the gods of chaos / death, and in between we even had scenes from Michael's perspective as he underwent the painful journey of healing (Michael was one of the main characters from book #2) and trying to be useful again.

Thus, for me, it felt like the story has too many balls to juggle and the romance suffered because of it. It felt rushed and I didn't get that strong connection I expected from Hermes and his dragon. I loved Michael and Zack, but I prefer to get the update of their life in a separate story thus not sacrificing the spotlight on Hermes and Fafnir...

Having said that, I would love it if Angel Martinez can continue with the series. I think Dio will be interesting to have as main character, with him being such wild one.