192 Worshippers
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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

The Son of Neptune (Rick Riordan)

The Son of Neptune - Rick Riordan

For my first 5-stars book in 2014, this book is basically perfect. I seriously cannot think of anything to nitpick about. It is smoothly written, with awesome character development, and wonderful action. As my friend said it in her own review, this book is "flawless" from beginning to end.

I never thought that I would say this ... considering what I felt about him in his own series, but Percy Jackson impressed the hell out of me. His presence in this book made me realized that he was what missing in book one, The Lost Hero. I know that Jason in that book was meant to be Rick's counterpart from Camp Jupiter, but after reading Percy here, I had to say that I ended up rooting for Percy more. Maybe because I knew him from his own series, and he truly grew on me. He was admirable.

Then there were the other two narrators. Hazel -- daughter of Pluto, who kept a secret of her own. And Frank -- son of Mars -- who simply rose as one of my favorite characters. I loved Frank being slightly awkward, trying to find his worth as the son of War God, whose mother died a hero, whose grandmother also a strong woman. Frank was probably the kindest son of Mars ever, and my heart was all out for him in the first minute. And to know that his life, was literally relied on short stick.

It was Frank that made me cry ... the part where he freed Thanatos from the icy chains ((view spoiler)), it was heartbreaking and I just couldn't keep my tears at bay *hugs Frank*

It rises the bar of this series for me ... and I'm gladly continuing the Rick Riordan marathon.