192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Love Rising (Piper Vaughn)

Love Rising (Isla Sagrario) - Piper Vaughn

This is a short and beautiful fairy tale … and oh, how I love my fairy tales.

I always have a soft heart for characters who radiate loneliness but still keep their head high. Like Francis here … who came to the island of Sagrario after escaping his life as an abused servant. Nobody paid attention to him – he felt like he was barely there, present but unnoticable and he longed for someone to call his own. I wanted to hug Francis. He broke my heart *oh, all right, imagine me hugging Francis tight*.

What made this a beautiful fairy tale was when Francis met a merman who washed ashore. Why? Because this was love that built from impossibility, and feeling, and magic. This merman didn’t speak human language – Francis decided to call him Wick – so they didn’t really communicate using words they understood. But two souls that just connected, even if they were from different worlds, couldn’t be denied *sigh*.

There was angst and there was the fulfilling happy ending, as a fairy tale should have. For a short story, this one packs a punch. The only complaint I had was probably that I wanted it to be a bit longer. I wanted to see more of them after the HEA. Of course that would be me being greedy.

Since this short story only clocks in around 10k, I know some readers might be annoyed with the price point. However, I thought the beautiful story makes up to it. I still recommend this to anyone looking for a lovely fairy tale, with a dash of angst, that makes you believe that love is indeed something magical. Hey, maybe you can buy this during a store-wide discount event! Like RIGHT NOW (yes, at this moment, DSP is having 25% discount from Jan 23 – 27 2014) *grin*