192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Ascendance - Lissa Kasey 3.25 starsHmmm, I'm not very impressed with this latest installment of the Dominion series. I think my issue comes from a similar place that of MandyM. For me, for an ongoing series (with characters that are the same from the beginning) to stay appealing, they have to keep moving forward, either with characters development or having plots that getting stronger/more complicated. Especially in the world of urban fantasy/paranormal series. Because that way, I will know that the author has a plan with the series ... that there is the 'big puzzle' behind it. If not, it will feel that the sequels are written just because and not very well thought of.Unfortunately, I don't really feel that here. It feels more like a transition book -- the only 'new' or twist introduced coming a bit late for me to enjoy (Seiran being appointed the head of Ascendance and he wants to make a change in that organization and not giving a full impact yet. Instead, what I get is a bit annoyance with the 'failure to communicate' scheme in the beginning-middle. We have Seiran running away to California because he and Gabe don't really talk about what is bothering Seiran, i.e. Gabe's time spending with Sam. Again, this is book #4 already. That kind of scheme works in early books, but not so much in book #4 of a series. Prior to finishing this book, I read Lissa Kasey's blog about how "Seiran in the image of the sort of emotional struggle that I've had" and that it is "unrealistic for Seiran to be 100% secure in his relationship with Gabe". While I truly appreciate this and it makes me understand better about Seiran's struggle and insecurities -- at the same time, BECAUSE this is a fiction with a touch of romance, I also want it to be a little bit 'unreal'. I want to believe that their relationship is getting stronger -- that amidst Seiran's insecurities, he will be talking about it with Gabe (especially since he is bonded to Gabe) and that the two of them will be all right. I want my happily ever after in a fiction too. That is why, the scheme of Seiran running away instead of settling things down with Gabe doesn't really work, when the series has entering book #4.But ... I can still give this my 3-stars rating category because I enjoy learning about Seiran's family from his father's side. I also like the new character, Bryar (although his introduction to this book, by becoming Seiran's sort-of sexual fantasy, again doesn't really work. See reason above), a chicken eating faerie. I like the new female character that is not bitchy (Seiran's aunt). AND, I hope that the epilogue (with Seiran having a new job) will mean something more complex coming in book #5. Here's hoping ...