192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Fortune's Sharp Adversity - Angel Martinez I almost never touch historical romance -- it's just not my genre. Especially something that is set hundreds of years before, because I sometimes have trouble with the language. But I like Ms. Martinez's stories before and a couple of reviews from friends-list give me a motivation to try.And I'm GLAD I did. This is a lovely story with character that is not (physically) perfect, combined with a touch of magic. I adore the kind-hearted Philippe. The way he handles the knowledge Étienne's curse and his willingness to find a way to break the curse makes me love him so much. And Étienne ... I find him having a sort of "child" traits, like when he is pouting when he doesn't find Philippe when he is transformed into human. Maybe because he's the youngest son and pretty much being protected by his brothers. I do love the chemistry between them and the story has such tender beauty in it.I just wish that the ending gives a better look on their future. They way it is finished, it's a bit abrupt.