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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Viper Moon  - Lee Roland 3.5 starsA short recap of the story for my own sake: Cassandra Archer is a Huntress, who vows her service to Earth Mother since she was only 18-years old. With the power given to her -- she is harder to kill -- Cass hunts missing children who are often taken to the Barrows section of Duivel, Missouri, where Darkness rules and monsters reside. Then, a handsome detective, Flynn asks Cass's help to find his missing sister. Then Carlos Dacardi, Duivel’s premier organized-crime boss, also requests for her service when his son is missing. Turns out that the missing children might have something to do with the plan of releasing Master of Darkness on Dark Moon event. Cass, together with Flynn, Carlos, and the handsome owner of Archangel (exercise studio and health food restaurant), Michael -- who is a resident of the Barrows -- must find the missing children before it's too late ...First of all, I thought this would be an urban fantasy story with one main heroine character. But I checked the blurb for the sequel, Vengeance Moon, and it features a different couple. It's interesting since usually multiple couples series use 3rd person writing, while this one uses 1st person. I guess this is more of paranormal romance, since the story does emphasize on the romance, and Cassandra's attraction to Flynn and Michael.If I categorize this as urban fantasy, I would be VERY disappointed since truthfully, Cass spends her time mostly getting kidnapped or getting her ass kicked and the men (Flynn, Michael, even Dacardi) seem to be helping her a lot more than she helps herself. If not, she is mooning over the handsome Michael and the steady Flynn. And how is she a Huntress again? Seems like her animals (two snakes, Nefertiti and Nirah, or her cat, Horus) are even more capable than her.HOWEVER, after I finish and take time to think it over, it is more of paranormal romance, and in that sense, it is quite enjoyable. Yes, the men are handsome (so typical) and Flynn declares his love to Cass and asks her to marry him after only 4 days, but at least there is no real "love triangle". I think Michael and his ancestry is intriguing -- and he is the hero for the next book -- while Flynn sure keeps himself level-headed despite the weirdness of Cass's job, and the magic, and the fact that he needs to bend few rules by working with bad guys. Flynn doesn't do over the top jealousy, possessiveness, or extreme sarcasm. That's nice.Most of the characters are likeable ... and Ms. Roland is still able to insert a twist in the end regarding Flynn his sister is actually his daughter!. Yeah, I quite like it. I will check out the next book for sure.So for other readers, this is NOT an urban fantasy! Keep that in mind.