192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Sweet as Chili Pepper - Veronica Sloane 3.75 stars rounded upMandy brought this to my timeline -- she could've said that the 'hours' that Theo and Jude was spent together was in a car. 'Cause it meant roadtrip (well, sort of) and it would push me to read this sooner *lol*. Anyway, I thought this was wonderful ... Theo and Jude were both men with issues who met just at the right time. Theo, trying to move on after an accident that robbed him his sense of smell and taste. While Jude, the much younger man was just starting again after his sugar daddy decided to leave him. Their conversations in the car were honest, and they just clicked. I could understand why Jude decided to leave after that one night. Theo was already on the first step of a new life -- a new job in a different city. But Jude, he still needed to prove himself. Being with Theo might just be a little too much resemblance of his old life. I just wish, that his story was also told. I wanted to know what happened to him while being away and what prompted him finally to return to Theo. Another plot that I liked very much was with Theo's ex. It was easy to make him the villain (he did leave Theo when he was still in the hospital). At the same time, like Theo himself learned, it was hard on Ian, that he felt guilty of the accident. So I was actually glad that Theo forgave Ian and they became friends. It was quite nice, to let go of the sad part of one's life without being bitter.Mandy had said everything else I didn't cover ^^.