192 Worshippers
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To Read is To Live

White Trash Zombie Apocalypse (White Trash Zombie, #3) - Diana Rowland There's a zombie movie filming in town ... but those zombie extras seem a bit too real! And what's up with Phillip, the zombie that Angel made? Oh, and there's this woman who seems to be taking pictures of her. Is Angel's dad drinking again? Also, will Angel be able to tell Marcus that she can take care of herself?-----While I was highly disappointed with the other series by Diana Rowland, this zombie series of her is still entertaining -- and I hope Ms. Rowland doesn't butcher it up. Like I said in my previous reviews, what I like about Angel is that she is dead set on rebuilding his life. She might be started as white trash, but after getting the second chance of life (well, as zombie), Angel has a job and studying for GED. I'm a bit sad that, after studying for quite awhile, Angel is unable to take the GED test because of a disaster that makes her loses her home. By the way, the relationship between Angel and her father is one of my favorite things about this series too -- it's complicatedly real. And I'm happy that Angel finally tells her father that she is a zombie, as well as Marcus, and her relationship with Pietro.There's a slight development in regards to zombie experiments from book #2. Apparently, there's another player besides Pietro Ivanov. This company seems to be making alternative for brains (which is the core substance for zombies). There's a quite gory fight, in which Angel kills people and eats their brain on the spot. I wonder what her blood is for.Not so much improvement on the romance with Marcus -- in fact, I'm a bit worried that this series will get into that territory where EVERYONE falls in love with the heroine (oh, please, PLEASE, don't!). I mean, Nick who teaches Angel for GED seems to like her. Plus what's with this weird connection between Angel and Phillip -- I truly hope that Angel's theory about Zombie-Mama and Zombie-Baby is true, and not because Phillip is suddenly in love with her.I like some of the newest additions to the series -- like Heather and Dr. Nikas. Hopefully they make another appearance in the next book.All in all, it's a good one -- even if it also feels like a filler/bridge to something bigger.