192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Fallout (Ariel Tachna)

Fallout - Ariel Tachna

3.5 stars

After reading 1000+ MM stories over the year, it is getting harder and harder to find stories that can stand out above the rest or even offering something different. Which is why, I thought Fallout by Ariel Tachna definitely had a winning point.

I really liked the narrative and the originality of the setting (it felt refreshing!). Don't think I have ever read romance in a nuclear reactor site before. I was very much intrigued with the parts where Derek and Sambit must worked on the reactors. Even years from now, if I don't remember the story well, I will remember the setting *laugh*

I also liked the fact that the sex was kept to the minimum (thank GOD, considering the situation it wouldn't be appropriate anyway!). I liked the opposites characterization of both men, which was consistent throughout. Although I admit that after a while, I was tired with Sambit's stubbornness. His reasons for not willing to pursue the relationship felt lame because Derek had made his case convincingly. Simply put, Derek and his dog, Fido, won my heart better than Sambit.