192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Hot Toy (Jennifer Crusie)

Hot Toy - Jennifer Crusie

2.5 stars

First of all, this is not a new material. Instead, this used to be part of the Santa, Baby anthology, but have only now released as stand-alone ebook. I was curious after I saw my friend Katie gave this 4* and Dear Author gave this an A-recommended review. Besides, I used to like Crusie's stories so much.

Alas, I guess I have to admit that my taste has changed and I no longer find Crusie's brand of wacky and over-the-top story-line compelling. I couldn't even found anything amusing in this one. It was, yes, over the top (it involved Chinese spy and a government agency!) and all the while reading it I wished that it would've finished sooner (and gosh, this is a novella-length!). I didn't laugh one bit. I simply didn't care with the plot, the characters, or the relationship.

I guess I like it less wacky these days. Guess Crusie will stay in 'part of my younger days' shelf.