192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Midwinter Night's Dream (Eli Easton)

Midwinter Night's Dream - Eli Easton

3.5 stars

I honestly didn't remember ANYTHING from Unwrapping Hank, including who Micah was. I know, bad memory and all. Having said that, I had no problem getting into it, because, well I love Easton's writing.

This is pretty much taking inspiration off Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream; with Micah liking Leo, Leo liking Micah, Yasmine thinks she likes Micah, while Helen secretly liking Yasmine. Yes ... four players, and we can probably think of Hank and Sloane as Oberon and Titania, respectfully, since Grinch, the tank-like white bulldog is taking part as Puck.

It's cute, but I can't say I'm really invested in all of them. I'm just not feeling that deep attachment on Micah and Leo as a couple. Plus I'm a bit miffed that Micah never really tells Yasmine outright that "he's not into her". I'm not taking the whole 'being mellow guy' as an excuse.

In addition, I felt that since Micah and Leo 'shared' the spotlights with Yas and Helen (they had their own chapters) and heck, sometimes even Sloane, it pulled me out from the focus of the story -- which probably contributed to my not having deep attachment to the two of them. Couldn't help that I felt Yas to be a little pathetic and Helen to be manipulative. I guess I wanted the girls to be written a bit better.

But as always, Easton's writing is charming. I finished this in one sitting. And my extra star-ratings are specifically added for Hank & Sloane, Grinch, and Mama Springfield (who still wanted her grandchildren, thank you very much).