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Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Jackson & Nick (Laura Baumbach)

Jackson & Nick (Storming Love: Wild Fire Book 6) - Laura Baumbach

Laura Baumbach is one of my early introduction to MM romance -- her collaboration with Josh Lanyon Mexican Heat is one of my favorites. But she hasn't been written anything for three years, and well, I guess my taste has changed since then.

The story is okay, I guess. It's about two men, early in their dating, one is gun-shy about relationship, and now the two are heading to a secluded California cabin for some quality time together. Both Jackson and Nick are likable as characters and I did enjoy the actions in the end as both are fighting to survive against the wildfire.

But I thought the sex scenes were boring -- and it took too many screen time in an already short story. Nothing new there, I skimmed most of it. I prefer to have those pages to be dedicated to Jackson and Nick finding more way to connect, especially considering Nick's reluctance towards taking a more serious step. I would love to see that more explored.

It's nice but not memorable enough. It can be read during the heavier and lengthier novels though.