192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Empty Nests (Ada Maria Soto)

Empty Nests - Ada Maria Soto

3.5 stars

I actually pre-ordered this book during one of DSP's wide-store event because I happened to love the cover (so pretty) and I liked the blurb enough. However, before I even read it, a friend said that the book didn't offer closure ... that it would continue in book #2. So I put it aside and waiting until book #2 came out.

I thought this offers a light angst and moderately paced of a slow-burnt 'Cinderella' love story. James Maron had his son at the age of fifteen; he is now working as an IT person in a university in which he meets Gabriel Juarez a CFO tech mogul, when Gabriel gives a public lecture there.

Like I said, it was light angst -- things pretty much moving forward really nicely for these two. Yes, there was that difference in income, but so far, it didn't become the huge obstacle between them just yet (maybe in book #2). I liked both men just fine, although I must say that James was a little bit bland compared to Gabriel. I thought, personality wise, Gabriel was more colorful, with his ethnicity and background, and his job (and how he overcome all those competitors), and his two friends.

James's son stole all the spotlights though. He was amazing. And I thought he makes James more interesting somewhat.

The ending was ABRUPT but that's okay, I have book #2 already.