3.5 stars
This is a 'more complete tale' of the lives of Robert Caldwell and his companion of 20+ years, the ghost-hunter Simon Feximal. These gentlemen first appeared in the short story, The Caldwell Ghost, followed by Butterflies (the two stories are included here). I have been quite excited to read the full novel of Simon and Robert. I loved Charles's take on mystery and paranormal in the historical time. I loved those shorts but I wanted so much more.
Unfortunately, it wasn't as gripping and engaging as I was expecting. Several times I found myself putting it down, and ended up doing other things (watching TV!) because I got a little bored. I wonder if the problems are because the 'format' of this novel is collection of short stories that comprise into chapters. Each chapter also has its own mystery for Simon and Robert to solve, while at the same time introducing readers to few significant moments of their lives (first time Robert met Simon, their follow-up case, how Robert started his life as Simon's chronicle and companion, etc).
Now, I enjoyed some of the mysteries. K.J. Charles has a penchant of writing horrific and nasty supernatural situations that I wonder if she would ever take a job as a writer for the US TV show "Sleepy Hollow" because she will fit right in. But because there were gaps in between some of these chapters (Simon and Robert were together for 20+ years after all), it also felt clunky to me.
Most of all, I didn't get the emotional connection towards the characters; to Simon especially. I didn't get his personal growth. Robert was easier because he was the sole narrator. Other than the first two stories (which I reviewed separately, and I skipped during my reading this one), the only chapter that stood out was "The Writing on the Wall, because it was the one that felt more personal for the two of them.
The epilogue felt somber, and it didn't exactly lift out my mood after finished reading. It had a good impact, but again, not the one I was expecting. I love K.J. Charles and I love her writing; but in overall, this isn't exactly a winner in my book.