192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Love Show (Audrey Bell)

Love Show - Audrey Bell


I decided to check this one out because 1) I have a personal reading challenge of YA/NA this month, and 2) Nadine, my friend, gave this a 4* so I was intrigued.

Well, this is definitely one of the GOOD ones. I think the winning element of this story is how Hadley, despite having a "non-dating" relationship with Jack (she does NOT want to call it dating, she has all these rules ^^), keeps her focus on her dream job. I thought her dream job vs. Jack (and the whole other people's concerns about her wanting to be a WAR journalist!!) felt real and well-written. This is what I expect from New Adult genre. A conflict that is more than just the romance, because it's a transition from teenagers to being an adult. So I LOVED that part. Plus, Hadley and Jack are truly GREAT together!!

The side-story about David, Hadley's gay best friend, is also well-written. I loved how David was not being portrayed just as "the gay accessory" but he had his own important story to tell, which dealing with the side of abusive relationship.

At times I thought it could be trimmed down a bit to make it less rambling, but as an overall, this story for me, is a winner. Oh, and I loved the epilogue (

how Hadley still gets to do her reporting job at refugee camp, after the disastrous first task in Syria that gives her PTSD and panic attack ... but at the same time gets her happy ending with Jack

(show spoiler)
