192 Worshippers
57 Worshipping

Ami's Hoard

To Read is To Live

Unleashed (Rachel Lacey)

Unleashed - Rachel Lacey

3.5 stars

For a romance story, there were a lot of things going on in here, which unfortunately for me, sort of pushed the romance into the background most of the times. While I thought the storyline with the animal rescue as very well done -- in fact I thought it was the strength of this book, and I enjoyed all of the scenes involving the animals -- the others made the romance between Cara and Matt as lukewarm at best.

I really could do without the insane client (which also resulted in a little bit violent for the tone of this story) or Matt's mother's health issue. I mean, those two problems pretty much made Cara and Matt 'separated' ... and I thought I would believe in their romance better if I saw them connecting more. In addition, the whole idea about a deadline in their romance -- Cara refused to commit before reaching the ten-years mark of her cancer remission while Matt didn't want to get serious because he was moving to Boston -- also affecting my lack of believe in their progress of falling in love.

Having said that, I would definitely read the next book because of the animal factors. Plus the next story is about Merry, Cara's best friend who owns the Triangle Boxer Rescue.